New Jersey Adult Medical Day Services Coalition “ONE VOICE” was initiated on behalf of the Adult Day Care providers and the client’s we serve. Our goal is to create a platform to keep the providers connected to our network, governmental updates, resources, news alerts and information on a Local, State and National Level. Through this forum we will establish a support network that has a voice in establishing policies, rules and other structural laws that can impact our industry. We all have the same priorities to provide the best quality of service and care for our clients!
To work in partnership as a Network of Adult Medical Day Services providers with our Local, State and National Government to create a sustainable model of Healthcare in New Jersey for our seniors and disabled populations.
Connect with individuals, organizations, politicians, community leaders and others who share the same mission, vision and goals.
Collaborate with other providers to incorporate Best Practices, Compliance and Overall Business Sustainability.
Advocate to amplify your voice with others and create lasting policy changes Adult Medical Day Services and related issues. Be the Voice for the clients we care for and service.
Be “ONE VOICE” together

Our “ONE VOICE” Communications is a compilation of valuable resources, news alerts, legislation, National News, New Jersey News and tons of great resources. We will also feature different Service Providers, Consultants, Vendors! This is a great forum to share documentation, with each other and most of all feel connected with others that are providing services. It is time, New Jersey comes together to create “One Voice” and align our businesses for the betterment of care and services to our clients.
- News Alerts Locally and Nationally about Healthcare, Adult Day Care!
- What’s going on with CMS, HMO’s, Labor Department and other providers?
- What is happening on a National Level with NADSA?
- Updates on Legislation, Bills, Senators, Assemblyman events, zoom calls etc.
- Special Resources for our business to share.
- Employee Resources, tips, techniques, and valuable information.
- Documentation: Some shared samples of documentation, policy and procedures, quality assurance programs.
- Activity Resources: What to do during Telehealth? Activity Sheets to provide to clients, ideas, resources, ideas.
- Featured Consultants, Vendors, Service Providers that can enhance our programs.
- Telehealth Programs, Processes, Documentation, Activities, Standards of Practice, Best Practices!
- Covid Compliance and Safety
- Regulations, Laws, Rules and Guidelines from various sources.
- Our Focus on the Future! What can we do to create a more sustainable business!
- Ideas, Resources, Techniques shared in servicing our clients.
Adult Day Care is the Best Kept Secret! We save lives! We save the government money! We save Caregivers stress and burn out! We save trips to the emergency room and hospital stays! We save individuals from being institutionalized! We save our Communities!
There are 168 Licensed Adult Medical Day Care Programs in New Jersey servicing approximately 20,000 seniors and disabled individuals and employing approximately 4-5,000 NJ workers. This is a cost-effective alternative to placement in an institutional setting at about 1/3 the cost.
Adult Medical Day Services (AMDS) is a comprehensive all-inclusive licensed medical model program that provide assistance in a community-based setting that offers an array of direct services for basic daily need. Through the medical and therapeutic programs AMDS’s offers mental, social, and physical stimulation in a structure, supervised and individually tailored program for adults who have dementia, disabilities or lost some independence because of physical or cognitive impairments or chronic health conditions.
Adult day care services’ history dates back to the post–World War II period. There were British veterans in large numbers coming home and hospitals had difficulty caring for them. They created this model of care called a ‘day hospital. It’s an alternative to institutional care when families need help caring for a loved one, but either cannot afford assisted living or chooses to care for their loved one at home. ADC programs allows the caregiver the necessary respite and the ability to work while promoting independence and dignity throughout the aging process.
AMDS’s provide an array of direct services: Medical Services, 1:1 Nursing Care and Monitoring, Social Services, Therapeutic Activities, Personal Care, Door to Door Transportation and Doctor’s Appointments, Trips and Outings, Special Events, 2 Nutritious Meals
Consulting Services with a Medical Consultant, Dietitian, Pharmacist, and some offer or arrange for Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapy, Podiatrist, Ophthalmologist, and Dentistry.
Besides all the medical benefits, there are quality of life benefits with social interaction, peer association and just a sense of belonging by engaging in life.
Adult Medical Day Services Programs have been the unsung heroes during this Covid 19 Pandemic! Through our Telehealth program we were able to continue to monitor clients daily, provide them daily nutritious meals, weekly care packages with essentials, activity sheets and as needed Nursing and Social Service interventions. We truly saved lives!
Contact Joan Marie Granato 201-736-5301 Or at